The Herman Cain Show

Herman Cain is confident and charismatic; he is as entertaining and passionate on the air as he is on the road. He’ll disseminate the headlines and give it to you straight-with humor, with passion and with heart. His lifetime of experience and leadership parlays into engaging, interactive radio.

About Herman:

Herman Cain grew up in Atlanta, Georgia with loving parents and little else. Herman’s parents had two dreams. First they wanted to own their own house. Secondly, they wanted both of their children to graduate from college. During the segregation era in the Deep South, these aspirations might have seemed lofty, but they knew that if they kept working hard and kept the faith they would prevail.

The first dream was realized in a modest brick house on Albert Street in Atlanta, Georgia. The second dream was realized when Herman graduated from Morehouse College with a degree in mathematics in 1967. His brother Thurman would go on to graduate from Morris Brown College.

Inspired by the work ethic and character of his parents, Herman continued his education by earning his Master’s degree from Purdue University while working full-time developing fire control systems for ships and fighter planes for the Department of the Navy. Herman returned to his home of Atlanta to begin working for the Coca-Cola Company. After considerable success at Coca-Cola, he moved to the Pillsbury Company. Within a short period of time, Herman rose to position of Vice President, eventually rising to regional vice president of Pillsbury’s Burking King division.

Next – Herman’s biggest challenge – accepting the call to become President and CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, a company teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. In just over one year, Godfather’s was profitable and he and his management team brought out the company. His professional successes garnered the respect of industry peers who named him the President of the National Restaurant Association.

In 1994, as head of the National Restaurant Association, Herman challenged President Clinton on the business impact of health care reform. Newsweek dubbed Cain the “primary saboteur of HillaryCare.” This led to his acceptance of a position on the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, and he was subsequently elected their chairman.

We are happy to welcome Herman Cain to the WOWW FM family!