12-22-14 Gas dive; Prepare for NCAA 2016; Des Moines facing sanctions

With thousands of Iowans hitting the holiday road…the plummeting price of gas is a nice little Christmas gift…as low as $1.99 at Kum and Go…off the 1-80 Waukee exit.

This weekend’s Hyvee Basketball Classic is being viewed by city administrators as a trial run for the NCAA Tournament…Des Moines will be hosting in March 2016. One possible improvement…according to businesses in the area of Wells Fargo arena would be opening another restaurant ortwo…to take the load of Buzzard Billy’s.

In the ongoing  case of Des Moines Methodist minister who came under fire from church brass for marrying a same sex couple…Reverend Larry Sonner could face sanctions including loss of his Methodist ministerial credentials along with his health insurance and pension plan.