12-23-14 Body cams for Christmas; Culinary arts just got better at DMACC; Missing decorations in Ank

Knoxville’s police department is getting three new body cams in their collective stocking….thanks to an anonymous elf’s gift of $2400. Aside from saying he’s a longtime member of thecommunity…the department is staying mum on the donor’s identity.

A generous gift from an Iowa couple means good things for Dee-mack’s culinary arts program and Ankeny’s school’s stadium renovation. Susan and Dennis Albugh have graced the learning institution…with a million dollar donation…which translates to a couple thousand more stadium seats along with an improved press box and upgraded concessions.

Somebody or bodies…has made a sweep of Ankeny’s lawns…helping themselves to Christmas decorations and then scattering them helter skelter. If you're missing reindeer…inflatable snowman..or the like… contact the Ankeny police department @ 515-289-5240.