Private company donates money to Waukee, Des Moines police for body cameras

A large crowd of police officers, community leaders, and employees packed the Kenworth Mid-Iowa back shed Friday afternoon to hear owner Rod French’s donation for body cameras to the Waukee and Des Moines police departments.

French said he spoke with Waukee Police Chief John Quinn a few weeks ago about the need for body cameras for officers.

“John said that he needed some cameras for his officers,” said French. “And he told me what they do. You know, if we ever had a problem, we could call the police force and they would be here to help us. Now they don’t have the budget money to buy cameras, and we need to step up and help them.”

French donated $12,000 to the Waukee police department, and presented a check for $125,000 to the Des Moines police department. Chief Quinn and Des Moines Police Chief Dana Wingert emphasized their gratitude toward French, and the importance of this new technology.

“With the recent donation from Rod, we can afford those cameras now,” said Quinn, “and buy our officers the tools that are necessary to not only document what exactly transpires, but also protect the department and community.”

Wingert said these donations probably would not have surfaced had not recent officer-involved shootings taken place.

“This is a big deal because eight months ago, no one was talking about body cameras and the need for them,” said Wingert, “And then some things happened across the country and now here we sit, by no fault of those agencies in Central Iowa.”

French said his donation is just another step toward outfitting both departments’ police officers with body cameras.

“They’re a thousand bucks a piece, so I hope some of the business leaders in the community feel as strongly as I do in wanting to help them,” said French. “Hopefully they’ll cover the back half of the other 125,000. But this is a start to buy the cameras and take care of your guys.”