An Iowa egg farm is being sued by a food supplier for breach of contract because it didn’t deliver the promised eggs after being struck by the bird flu.  Hawkeye Pride’s parent company lost more than 5-and-a-half million egg-laying hens. The suing company – Michael Foods Egg Products – is a subsidiary of Post.

The World Health Organization says an ingredient in Dow’s new 2, 4-D herbicide possibly leads to cancer in humans.  Dow is denying the allegation, saying government findings in nearly 100 nations – including the U-S – show it to be safe.

Iowa high school students would need to complete a computer curriculum to graduate, under a recommendation from the Governor’s STEM Advisory panel.  Two dozen other states require some type of computer science coursework for graduation.

Ankeny will open its first Catholic school this fall.  St. Luke the Evangelist School will serve kindergarten through 3rd grade, with a grade added each year until 8th grade.

Students who were disappointed that they won’t be able to go to AIB College of Business because of the U-I takeover might have an alternative.  Tippie College of Business will offer its business analytics certificate in Des Moines starting this fall.  The program is based in Iowa City.

Des Moines’ city council is considering an ordinance that would change the way buildings are designated as historic structures.  Some council members said a single resident should not be able to launch a time-consuming process if the building owner objects, as was the case with the Riverfront YMCA.

Gray’s Lake will be getting some changes as part of its long-term plan.  The city of Des Moines will have public forums over the next few months to get the public’s take on what they’d like to have there. A new trail and some new park furniture are just a few items being considered.

The Des Moines Symphony will get some help from a celebrated Broadway composer next week as it kicks off Fourth of July weekend.  Jason Robert Brown will conduct a series of songs for the Yankee Doodle Pops at the state capitol.                                                                             eggs