Torch Afternoon News 6-30: IDOT leader lays out future for Iowa, Police urge Branstad to sign radio bill, Former DM police chief moves up

rural roads

Local and state transportation and economic planning leaders met earlier today in Windsor Heights to talk about the future of Iowa’s transportation and city planning. Paul Trombino with the state Department of Transportation says the goal of the department in the future is to connect each mode of transportation. Trobino says he’d also like to see driver-less cars on Iowa highways in the next several years.

Law enforcement across the state came together to meet in Des Moines today, calling for Governor Branstad to sign a bill that would create the first statewide police radio system. Police say it’ll help them better communicate across agencies. The bill sits on the governor’s desk right now.

Speaking of the governor…he’s appointed former Des Moines police chief Judy Bradshaw as the new director of the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy. Branstad also named the new director of the Iowa Department of Education…that’ll be Ryan Wise.

Some adjustments have been made to plans for Johnston’s new high school project.  The school board has okayed a 2-million dollar change to create a track and turf area for a future stadium. The $81 million project is expected to wrap up in April 2017.

One Iowa college has made the Forbes Top 100 College list.  Grinnell College ranked 58th. The list shows schools with a winning formula of high student satisfaction and graduation rates, alumni career success, and low student debt.

There will be a new butter sculpture at this year’s state fair…a monopoly game. The game sculpture will be featured next to the world-famous Iowa State Fair Butter Cow in August…fair goers can also see their favorite Monopoly pieces sculpted into butter.

A growing number of oil pipeline opposition meetings have been popping up across Iowa.  Nathan Malachowski from Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement says people are starting to worry about what impact the cross-state Dakota Access Pipeline would have on their lands.

We’re making more money this year than we were last year.  New research shows family income for the 99-percent rose by more than 3 percent, the first meaningful gain in 15 years. The top one percent saw their incomes jump by more than ten percent.

Plenty of presidential candidates will be touring Iowa for the 4th of July holiday festivities. Democrats Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley will host several events throughout the state on Friday and Saturday…while Bobby Jindal will be a participant in the Urbandale parade, along with several visits in the southern half of the state. Rand Paul will also make stops tomorrow and Thursday.

A state audit has found Western Hills Elementary Principal Beth Thornton made more than $11,000 of improper purchases with the school’s credit card over the last three years. Thornton stepped down from her position in April, citing she wanted to explore other jobs. Her attorney released a statement, calling the accusations false and a booking matter.