Congressman David Young wants to exercise his grip on the EPA’s purse strings. Young tells the Torch that Congress submitted a budget earlier this week…and is now working on funds for major government agencies like the EPA. Young says the Obama administration is rumored to reject each budget item
The bird flu has had a crippling impact on Iowa’s poultry industry, according to Senator Joni Ernst – who was none-too-happy that the president rejected a disaster declaration request. Ernst says more than 70 families have been hit by the deadly disease.
The emerald ash borer has turned up in another central Iowa county. Ag officials discovered the infestation in Fort Madison, making Lee County the 26th county to be bugged by the borer.
Des Moines is one of the top ten cities for creatives, according to the financial planning website SmartAsset.com. The site placed Des Moines 8th on the list because of its vibrant culture and thriving creative class.
GOP presidential candidate George Pataki is meeting with African immigrants at the Zion Lutheran Church in Des Moines later today…he’s been very outspoken against rival candidate Donald Trump’s remarks on Mexican immigrants. This will be the first time Pataki has been in Iowa since announcing.
Iowa teachers are at ISU for a series of sessions on how to prepare and deliver STEM programs in their schools. The instructors are from across the state, taking part in the Governor’s STEM Advisory Council’s STEM Scale-Up Initiative. The programs range from human body systems to 3-D modeling with computer design software.
Des Moines City Council members are making plans for the next 15 years. Members worked in a planning workshop yesterday to brainstorm areas they’d like to see improved. The most important livability goals they wanted included a revamped riverfront, more sports complexes and aquatic facilities, and a more efficient library system. They’ll narrow the list down in more meetings today.
Here in Iowa there could be a contender for Senator Chuck Grassley’s seat…state senator Rob Hogg says he’s formed an exploratory committee for the 2016 U.S. Senate race. The Democrat says he’ll decide in two to four months if he’s running against the senior senator.
The state has until tomorrow to pay the construction company that’s working on the new prison in Fort Madison. Solicitor General Jeff Thompson says the last 100-thousand dollars going to Walsh Construction Company hasn’t been paid yet…and it’s due by the end of the week.
Windsor Heights is setting up a “complete streets” policy to guide future street projects. The idea is to make the routes safe for walkers, bikers, drivers, bus riders, and those who use mobility aids.