A Boone County farmer has been ordered by a county judge to let a survey crew from Dakota Access Pipeline onto his property. The survey is for the Bakken oil pipeline, should it be approved by the state utilities board. The pipeline would cut across the state, and Laverne Johnson has made it clear, he doesn’t want it cutting through his farmland.
A panel of state lawmakers has approved a change in the 4-inch topsoil rule for developers. The rule had required builders to replace topsoil when it was removed during the homebuilding process, to help prevent flooding and runoff. But the change now says builders must preserve topsoil unless “unfeasible,” as in too costly.
The Iowa Turkey Federation does not expect the bird flu will mean a lack of turkeys at the Thanksgiving table this year. Most of the birds raised in Iowa are processed for delis, they say, and producers outside the state have been busy raising their birds for the holidays.
Iowa House Republicans are expected to choose a new speaker next week. Kraig Paulsen announced earlier this month he was stepping down. House Majority Leader Linda Upmeyer is seeking the post, as is Representative Josh Byrnes.
IDOT is in hot water with the state transportation commission over a 9-million dollar state contract to expand the Highway Helper program. The panel wants to know why it wasn’t told about the deal signed with Prairie Land Towing out of Wisconsin. The head of IDOT says it was an expense that didn’t fall under the commission’s purview.
A wind energy boom in Iowa energy development could mean more than 6 thousand jobs a year as the state meets carbon-cutting goals…that’s the word from an ISU economist. Dr. Dave Swenson says the exact amount of new positions depends on how aggressive Iowa companies are.
Warren County has launched a business grant competition to give a boost to start up firms in the county. The deadline for the Small Business Grant Contest is September 14th. Three finalists will get to pitch their ideas to a panel of judges at Simpson College in October for a chance at a 6-thousand dollar grant.