Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump hosted a rally in Boone before attending the ISU-UI tailgate on Saturday, drawing nearly 700 people to the downtown area. Trump prefaced his normal stump speech by saying he had to cut his remarks short, as he would be tailgating, but he managed to include plenty of criticisms of fellow candidates, especially second-place contender and fellow political outsider, Ben Carson.
“I hear that Ben Carson, a very nice man, is surging,” said Trump. “But he’s way behind me. I’m surging much more than him, much more than anybody.”
In recent days, Carson has come out on social media against Trump, the first time he’s bad-mouthed a fellow contender, and has been critical of Trump’s religious values and devotion to God.
“You know, Ben’s hit me on my faith,” said Trump to the Boone crowd. “You don’t hit a person on faith. I don’t know him. He knows nothing about me. I’m Protestant, I believe strongly in the Bible. You don’t hit a person on their faith. But he was nice enough to apologize, most people don’t do that.”
Trump typically attacks former Florida governor Jeb Bush in his stump speeches, but rarely mentioned the fellow contender while speaking in Boone. He acknowledged his comment on Carly Fiorina’s appearance, saying that he looks forward to seeing her on the debate stage and will treat her like any other candidate. Other GOP’ers like Bobby Jindal (he did not make the prime time debate slot), Rand Paul, and Bush have been highly critical of Trump during their stump speeches around the country, as well as on social media. Trump was asked by the media after his Boone rally how he plans to handle those encounters on stage during next week’s national debate.
“I don’t really prepare, I don’t need to prepare,” said Trump. “I’ll just see what happens. I’ll treat them all the same. I’m looking forward to it.”
The New York businessman’s next rally is in Texas.