Urbandale High School students got one of their wishes to come true: they landed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to speak at the school’s Homecoming Dance this weekend.
After social studies teacher Anne La Pietra challenged her AP Government students to engage with candidates, even offering extra credit to students who were able to get a contender to attend Homecoming, students took to social media to lure candidates Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump to the Homecoming festivities, and now the GOP front-runner will make a swing by the dance on Saturday.
Trump will already be in the metro area for the Iowa Faith and Freedom Summit this weekend, and after speaking at the forum, will head over to Urbandale High School for a VIP meet and greet at 6:30 p.m. and then will take the auditorium stage around 7 p.m. for an hour-long speech before students head to the dance.
The Republican candidate has not held a large campaign event in the metro since his announcement speech in June. He was last in Des Moines during the Iowa State Fair, flying in via his private helicopter and offering rides to kids before touring the fair.