MS EKLASS | 11am – 5pm
I’m a proud mom of two boys and one girl, radio/TV personality and a writer. I guess you’re wondering where I’m from, right? *Cues Fresh Prince theme music* “In good old Indianapolis, born and raised, by a radio is where I spent most of my days!” No seriously, I stayed listening to my radio. I guess you could say it was my destiny, huh?
When you tune in, don’t be surprised to catch me talking about them every now and then. Aside from radio, I’m obsessed with Beyoncé, I enjoy anything girly, listening to music, writing, shopping (what lady doesn’t), watching romantic comedies and chick flicks, and day dreaming! I’m terrified of shattered glass, and clowns freak me out. Keep those things far away from me and we’ll be best friends!
Hit me up on Twitter: @MsEKlass