Iowa Optimism Walk
Saturday, October 1, 2022
Check-in: 12:00 Noon
Program starts: 1:00 pm
Principal Park (Iowa Cubs)
1 Line Drive
Des Moines, IA 20309
Register online today!
phone: 515-782-3833
[email protected]
Walk with us and help put an end to
Parkinson’s disease!
What is an Optimism Walk?
• A fun-filled fundraising event that offers
a short non-competitive walk with familyfriendly activities!
• Part of a nationwide movement to step up
and help put an end to Parkinson’s disease.
Why Walk?
• Every 9 minutes someone is diagnosed with
Parkinson’s disease.
• Funds raised provide local support, education
and research.
• The more funds we raise, the
more people we can help!