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The Iowa State Fair opens today.  The ten-day event got its kickoff last night with a parade starting at the state capitol.  The event showcases the state’s best in agriculture, food and entertainment.

Iowa is trying to close the workforce skills gap among prospective employees with the “Future Ready Iowa” initiative. Governor Branstad met with a panel of high school and college students yesterday to kick off the series of meetings for the initiative. Branstad said giving students more hands-on exposure to future careers is one way to spark the interest of young Iowans.

The choice of a new University of Iowa president is now in the hands of the Board of Regents.  The selection panel has made its picks for the nine finalists, and handed the information over to the board. Candidates will be visiting the U-I campus starting at the end of the month.

A judge has delayed the trial of a Chinese national accused of stealing Iowa corn to get trade secrets from U-S seed companies.  Mo Hailong’s lawyer and the prosecutor in the case both asked for a delay because the case is so complex.  The date was moved from next month til next February in Des Moines.

It’s going to be a bumper year for corn in Iowa again, according to the USDA crop report.  But USDA’s Gary Crawford says nationwide, production is down from last year.

Des Moines’ Urban Design Review Board is looking at preliminary plans for a multi-family development on Indianola Avenue and Dunham Street near Principal Park.  The 170-plus-unit project would be called Dunham Square.

Hillary Clinton is still in the lead for the Democratic caucus goers in Iowa, according to the first CNN/ORC poll. Clinton has 50 percent support, compared to 31 percent for Bernie Sanders. Vice President Joe Biden hasn’t declared yet, but he’s in third place with 12 percent.

Republican presidential candidates Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina and Rick Santorum are stumping in Iowa today. Democratic candidates Martin O’Malley and Jim Webb will be at the soapbox at the Iowa State Fair.

The Iowa State Fair is bumping Meghan Trainor’s opening acts to the main act in a free show at the grandstand on August 22nd.  Trainor had to cancel her entire summer tour because of throat problems.

Mother Nature’s natural light show is in action this week…Jen Fletcher from Des Moines parks and Rec says that’s why they lined up a special party Saturday night at Ewing Park for families to catch the Perseid Meteor Shower and play some star games. You can camp in the park that night by registering at state fair