Walker keeps campaign message despite hecklers

by Sarah Beckman, 98.3 the Torch

Dozens of protesters, both from local groups and from out of state, gathered in front of the Des Moines Register’s Soap Box at the Iowa State Fair on Monday to rally at GOP presidential candidate Scott Walker’s stump speech. Many sported anti-Walker signs and cheese-head hats to represent his state of Wisconsin.
Though the crowd was warned to practice “Iowa Nice” while Walker was speaking, toward the middle of his remarks, protesters throughout the group began heckling the candidate, chastising his support of a new NBA stadium in Milwaukee and his hard battle against teacher unions a few years ago. Walker continued on, despite straining his voice.

“I am not intimidated by you, sir” said Walker to a protester trying to climb on the stage. “I will fight for workers over and over and over again. If you want someone who is tested, I am right here. You can see it. This is what happened in Wisconsin and I won there.”

Some of the protesters continued to follow Walker after he finished his speech on stage, shouting out remarks on Obamacare and his “lack of job growth” in Wisconsin and “You failed us, Scott!” in terms of keeping labor unions together.

“I respect their right to protest,” said Walker. “But this is something we saw in Wisconsin and so I’m used to it.”

Walker continued to walk throughout the state fair, stopping by to grill a pork chop at the Iowa Pork Producers tent. He has a few more stops outside the metro later today.