Torch Morning News you can use 8-19:

More than 12-thousand ISU students are moving in to campus today before the start of the new fall semester.  Ames police are warning drivers around Ames there could be a shortage of parking spaces, as parents and students unload.

A landlord company near another major Iowa university is appealing a state Supreme Court decision that it violated state code with its leases.  Former Apartments Downtown tenants complained their leases included illegal items such as carpet cleaning charges, responsibility for maintenance and repairs, and fees for liquidated damages.

Republican presidential candidate John Kasich stepped on the soapbox at the state fair yesterday…this time inside because of the rain. Kasich said he has strong budgetary experience as a former Congressman. Also on the soapbox yesterday was Marco Rubio, talking about higher education and alternative programs.

Folks visiting the Iowa State Fair today will get a chance to hear the governor, state ag secretary and poultry industry experts talk about bird flu prevention.  All live bird exhibits at the fair had to be canceled because of the virus.Iowa-State-University-52072541

Des Moines’ Parks and Rec is sending out a survey that’s basically asking “How’re we doin’?” They’re trying to gauge how satisfied residents are with their recreational opportunities in the city.  Expect to see it in the mail any day now.

Des Moines’ city council is inviting residents tonight to a public input meeting on the city’s tax abatement program.  The city has been using abatements to draw in residential developers, but it cost Des Moines 3 million dollars last year in lost tax revenue.  They’d like to scale back the program and they’re looking for feedback at tonight’s meeting at Polk County River Place.

An Iowa delegation will have to wait a little longer for a chance to make trade deals with the Cuban government. The government asked for a postponement til October for the meeting.  State legislators, businessmen and ag producers originally had planned to depart this week for Havana.