Iowa GOP chairman protests against Rep. Loebsack Iran Deal vote

Iowa GOP chairman Jeff Kaufmann is not happy with his congressman voting for the Iran Deal on Capitol Hill earlier today, so he stood outside Rep. Dave Loebsack’s (D) office Friday afternoon to display his disappointment in the freshman Congressman.

“The point that we are trying to make to make today by standing outside of his office is that please remember, Congressman Loebsack, that you do not represent San Fransisco, so why are you taking the cue from Nancy Pelosi?” said Kaufmann. “We’re just tired of Congressman Loebsack making up his mind the moment that Nancy Pelosi makes up her mind.”

Kaufmann said the fact that Loebsack is from the first-in-the-nation caucus state makes it even worse.

“It’s really troublesome that right here in the heartland, right here in the middle of the country, we have a member of our delegation that voted to legitimize a nuclear program in a state that sponsors terrorism,” said Kaufmann. “It’s really shameful.”

The state GOP chairman said this is the first time he’s camped outside of Loebsack’s office, but he is not afraid to do it again.

“If there’s something affects the safety of our children and grandchildren and you just blatantly follow along party lines, then we are at least going to call you on it,” said Kaufmann. “I think this rises to the level of the chairman of the Republican party to show up on this beautiful afternoon and do just that.”

Loebsack is the only member of Iowa’s federal delegation to vote for the Iran Deal.