Here’s the latest from the Torch newsroom…

More than 14-thousand Iowans should be getting close to 2-million dollars in refunds from their health insurance because of a provision in the Affordable Care Act.  The Department of Health and Human Services says that should work out to about 206 dollars per family.  The law requires the insurance companies to spend at least 80 percent of the premiums they collect on medical care and quality improvement, or return the difference.

Federal aid is on the way for 26 Iowa counties ravaged by severe weather and flooding this year.  The counties have been approved for a Presidential Disaster Designation, which gives them access to federal funds for repairs and cleanup.

A busy section of West Des Moines will be shut down for the next couple of weeks while railroad crossings are replaced.  63rd Street will be closed off just south of Railroad Ave at 5 o’clock Monday morning.  It reopens on August 11th