12-23-14 Body cams 4 Christmas; You’ve heard of cat ladies–Skunk Guy; Smart phone training


Knoxville’s police department is getting 3 new body cams in their collective stocking….thanks to an anonymous elf’s gift of $2400. Aside from saying he’s a longtime member of the Community…the department is staying mum on the donor’s identity.

An Iowa man has been sentenced to jail…after 300 animals were discovered in his possession…suffering varying degrees of neglect. It’s the second animal related charge this year against Davis County’s  Roger who’s menagerie included a ferret, mice & a skunk.

You and anyone who gets a new smart phone for Christmas are invited to a free device workshop atU.S. Cellular on Delaware in Ankeny..the Saturday after Christmas….so before you throw your new phone in the river in frustration….check it out.