Jim Webb feels out Iowa support

Former Virginia Senator Jim Webb made several appearances in central Iowa the past few days, meeting with various voter groups and potential donors.

The likely presidential contender for the Democrats first made a speech at the Urbandale Democrats’ Flag Day celebration on Sunday evening. He talked about his view of American veterans and the military, having a background as a combat marine and former Secretary of the Navy in 1987.

“I started speaking even before I ever ran for the Senate about the need to honor the people who have served since 9-11,” said Webb. “If you say this is the next greatest generation, how about giving them the same educational chance at the future that the previous generation had.”

Webb also told the Greater Des Moines Committee on Foreign Policy on Tuesday that he wants a clearer vision of America’s foreign policy goals.

“The question is not really about being involved in a lot of wars,” said Webb. “As the national government, we need to have a clear articulation of what our foreign policy goals and objectives are, and we really haven’t had that since the end of the Cold War in 1993.”

The Democrat served also spoke about his background working with both parties.

“Things can get done in this country if you work across the aisle,” said Webb.”You just have to stick with it and take some hits. I’m comfortable doing that.”

Webb hasn’t been back in Iowa since April, and his previous visit mostly consisted of closed-door meetings. A member of his campaign staff said Webb will make an announcement of his intentions for the White House later this month. He’s slated to speak at the Iowa Democratic Party’s Hall of Fame event on July 17th in Cedar Rapids. Webb joins declared candidates Martin O’Malley, Lincoln Chafee, Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton.