Torch Afternoon News 6-18: Branstad writes to Obama, Ernst talks RFS, Judge hears speed cameras lawsuit

branstad signing

Governor Branstad is asking for a Presidential Disaster Declaration for the bird flu epidemic. Branstad wrote to President Obama that Iowa needs help from FEMA with the effects of the disease on unemployment, the disposal process, and prevention of any further cases.  Branstad says over 15-hundred people working in the poultry production sector will lose their jobs by August.

Senator Joni Ernst is still pushing the EPA to hold a public meeting in Iowa on the Renewable Fuel Standards. Ernst spoke earlier today at a hearing with the EPA about the state’s Congressional delegation’s request. Ernst says the issue is extremely important to Iowans, and the EPA needs to hear from constituents before setting unrealistic standards.

Arguments in the case against Des Moines’ speed cameras on 2-35 could make or break the lawsuit getting dismissed today. A federal judge is taking up the seven bundled lawsuits that claim the city cameras violate drivers’ fundamental right to travel. A previous request to turn off the cameras was denied.

About a dozen cities, water-quality, and conservation groups have joined forces to challenge part of the new federal safety rules for oil shipments by rail. One of their concerns is the length of phase-in time for the rules and how much information should be provided to towns and emergency responders on the timing and quantity of crude oil coming to their area. Kristen Boyles with Earthjustice says it’s a major problem for Iowans.

State prison employees can’t wear pins that reflect negatively on Governor Branstad. A Polk County district judge upheld the ban on the pins that show a picture of Branstad’s face bisected by a slash with the words, “Nothing has changed.” The judge says the pins don’t pinpoint a specific state employee union issue…and could threaten public safety.

A spree of car vandalism cases broke out this week in Ames.  More than 20 incidents were reported, with dozens of windows broken on the vehicles. Police are still working to find the suspect.

Senator Chuck Grassley introduced a bill today that encourages states to improve opportunities for people with disabilities. Grassley’s legislation would help disabled individuals get employment in their communities by giving states incentives to better serve their residents. Grassley says Medicaid doesn’t do enough to help disabled people, and this bill tries something different.

Firefighters at a Des Moines firehouse are battling bedbugs that may have hopped on their rig while they tried to save someone at an infested home. The problem popped up after an ambulance was used for a call. Chemicals have been used on the firehouse and vehicle to get rid of the pests.

A lead engineer for the state Utilities Board says the Dakota Access Pipeline application for a cross-state oil pipeline is loaded with questions and deficiencies.  The engineer says the 90 issues must be addressed by the oil company before the pipeline’s permit process can move forward.

More Iowans are being their own boss, according to Manpower.  They say with the Affordable Care Act, they can now get affordable insurance for their own business, making it easier to branch out on their own.  The Census Bureau says 23-million Americans label themselves as “self-employed.”