The greater Des Moines area produced 44 billion dollars’ worth of products last year, according to the U-S Conference of Mayors’ latest report. That’s up 4-tenths of a percent from the previous year. It’s also more than what was produced by the entire state of Vermont.
A Lee County fertilizer plant wants to increase the amount of tax credits it’s getting from the state. Iowa Fertilizer Company wants another 21-and-a-half million dollars in incentives, since it’s raising its own investment in the plant to 1-point-9 billion dollars. The Iowa Economic Development Authority is looking at the request today.
Des Moines isn’t the only city dealing with nitrate problems…Boone is, too. The Xenia Rural Water District is warning residents not to give tap water to babies under 6 months, because of excessive nitrate levels.
Governor Branstad says the bird flu could cause 15-hundred Iowans to lose their jobs soon…and he wants President Obama to declare a major disaster for four of the hardest hit counties. The declaration would pull in federal assistance in coordinating recovery efforts.
The bird flu will be the topic of a special hearing in Washington on July 7th, pulling in various agencies to see what can be done to prevent it, treat it and clean up after it. Senator Joni Ernst says she’s talked with a number of poultry producers to get their input, as well as with Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack.
The state’s dairy industry is facing a mix of challenges and blessings as it celebrates National Dairy Month. Prices are down to near break-even levels, according to an ISU dairy specialist, because dairy producers increased their herds and equipment after a banner year. Now they have a surplus…but on the positive side, feed grain prices are down.
Ankeny’s new Market and Pavilion in the city’s uptown area is now under construction. The project includes a pavilion big enough for the market on Saturdays and for events the rest of the week. It will also include greenspace, a restroom building and the trailhead for the High Trestle Trail.
A not-so-nice Father’s Day trend has developed in Iowa…the state says it’s become the highest single holiday fatality holiday on the roads. They’re asking everyone to wear your seatbelt, watch your speed, avoid distracted driving and stay sober behind the wheel.
Dads get to celebrate Father’s Day on Sunday with a free trip to the pool in Des Moines. Fathers and their toddlers under age 2 can get into the city’s pools or aquatic centers with no charge between one and 5 PM.