Torch Morning News you can use 7-21:

The Greater Des Moines Partnership wants to broker a settlement in Des Moines Water Works’ suit against upriver counties over nitrate pollution.  The group’s Jay Byers told the Register they want to bring together business, farming, environmental and legislative leaders to come up with long-term water quality solutions.court avenue bridge green

The recent shootings in Chattanooga have prompted Governor Branstad call for a security review at the Iowa National Guard facilities.  The governor also plans to ask the federal government to check out all military facilities for protections when he joins a group of governors in Washington DC this week.

A new poll out for likely Iowa Republican Caucus goers puts neighboring governor Scott Walker in the lead with 22 percent support.  Donald Trump was second with 13 percent, and Ben Carson third with 8 percent in the Monmouth University survey.

ISU’s student health center is looking to improve every part of its operation because of a recent assessment.  The inspection found widespread deficiencies that could lead to catastrophic problems. The consultants cited poor leadership, dismal student access, understaffing, inadequate training, poor record keeping and low morale.

More Iowans are spending a larger chunk of their monthly incomes on housing…that’s the story from the latest report by the U of I’s Public Policy Center. The report outlines that a growing number of Iowans spend more than 30 percent of their income on their house or rental space…and that’s considered to be cost-burdened.

Republican Ohio governor John Kasich is expected to announce his presidential campaign today. Kasich has scheduled a town hall meeting on Friday in Des Moines.

Iowa’s Zach Johnson won the British Open yesterday, 8 years after snagging his first major tournament victory.