Torch Morning News you can use 7-22:

Looks like Iowa is a step closer to its goal of becoming the healthiest state in the U-S.  The latest Kids Count ranker places Iowa 4th overall in terms of the well-being of its children, and number one for physical health.

Iowa’s jobless rate has dropped again.  The unemployment rate dipped from 3-point-8 percent in May to 3-point-7 percent in June.  That’s more than 10-thousand fewer people on the dole than last year.

Governor Branstad has ordered state flags at half staff today through Monday throughout the state to honor the five servicemen killed in Tennessee last week. The president ordered all federal flags to be lowered as well.

State Department of Agriculture officials say all farms struck by the bird flu have been cleared of dead chickens and turkeys…but they’re still trying to clear out manure and compost waste.  Only one of the 77 farms affected are close to being able to restock.

July’s been a bit cooler than usual, according to the state’s scientists.  But they say the two degree difference in temperatures doesn’t seem to be hurting Iowa crops…mostly because farmers didn’t waste time getting them in the ground this past spring. images

Iowa’s Congressional delegation may be mulling over the merits of the recently arranged pact with Iran, but a fuels analyst from the state Department of Agriculture says it could lower gas prices.  If the agreement is approved, he says, it could mean a gradual price drop as Iranian crude oil hits the market.

The city of Woodward is getting a “ripple effect” grant from Iowa Network Services to help develop an eco-business park.  The Woodward site was designated as a pilot site for the new Green Certification program.

Iowa’s public research universities may not be seeing an increase in state funds, but they are seeing them in the public sector.  U-I says its combined public and private funding for research rose 45 million dollars over the past year, while ISU says its funding rose by nearly 56 million.

Iowa parents of potential college students could get some extra help with tuition payments. The Iowa Tuition Grant program is increasing its maximum grant by 16 percent. Students can get the grant if they’re attending an Iowa school and have financial need.

The Americans with Disabilities Act gets a salute on Friday at the Hoover Building near the statehouse. Supporters will march at noon to the Shattering Silance monument by the State Supreme Court Building.  They’re celebrating the 25th anniversary of the law banning discrimination against people with disabilities.