She got a check as a wedding present. A check that was written for a pretty hefty sum. The problem? It bounced. So what now?!… MORE

She got a check as a wedding present. A check that was written for a pretty hefty sum. The problem? It bounced. So what now?!… MORE
The closing of the Tyson’s Plant in Perry and the ripple effect it has Is not only about the people losing their jobs but the city of Perry in general. … MORE
Louis Gossett Jr. has passed away at the age of 87. … MORE
She went spying in her boyfriend’s email and found out way more than she bargained for. Should she confront him or keep cool?… MORE
P!NK has announced she has added a stop to her North American tour, P!NK LIVE 2024, in Des Moines, IA at Wells Fargo Arena on October 24th. … MORE
Check out this week’s Sweet Deal for the Texas Roadhouse!… MORE
#TheCookout is where your favorite artists stop by and hangout and this time our special guest is Meghan Trainor! Talking about her new album, working with her idol and more!… MORE
It’s men women and children joining for the common cause of helping children and adults with disabilities… MORE
She went on spring break and got had a little too much fun…should she tell her parents she got booked for public intoxication?!… MORE
Check out this Sweet Deal for the Iowa Cubs!… MORE