Their date didn’t work out, so he asked for a REFUND on venmo! How would you respond to his request? 𸅠MORE

Their date didn’t work out, so he asked for a REFUND on venmo! How would you respond to his request? 𸅠MORE
#TheCookout is where your favorite artists stop by and hangout and this time our special guest is Melanie Martinez! … MORE
Most horse owners look at their animals like family members just like a cat or a dog. There are others who don’t. What happens to those beautiful animals?… MORE
When you ask your BFF to be your maid of honor you don’t expect to hear “let me think about it…” It’s been a week. What should she do?… MORE
Here’s how to make an ice cream float at a gas station! And what happens when you pour a cola in Antarctica? … MORE
Officials from Iowaâs Blank Park Zoo announced today that three black-and-white ruffed lemurs now call the Zoo home. … MORE
Applications for Bert’s Big Adventure 2024 – our trip where we take children with chronic or terminal illnesses and their family on a magical, all-expenses-paid, five-day trip to Walt Disney World – are now open.… MORE
Vintage Brewhouse & Taproom is this week’s Sweet Deal!… MORE
She and her friend met two cute guys they were interested in. Love that! But now? They wanna pull a switcheroo! Can we help them pull it off?!… MORE
Plan one of your best summer nights NOW! Sara Evans with special guest Walker Montgomery performing at the Marion County Fair… MORE