Category Archives: Homepage

Her Boyfriend is Secretly Living With His EX!

Her Boyfriend is Secretly Living With His EX!

She’s been dating a guy for about a month and things have been going great. A week ago, he met his roommate for the first time, who happens to be a woman…and his ex. #ShadyOrNot?!MORE

Cocaine Bear: First in Line-Sponsored by Vinyl Cup Records

Cocaine Bear: First in Line-Sponsored by Vinyl Cup Records

First in Line sponsored by Vinyl Cup Records has something special this week. Cocaine Bear!!!!! Jacob weighs in on the film’s Oscar chances. Plus, Cocaine Bear Trivia! And Jacob gets caught in an internet rabbit hole all about Bart the Bear! MORE

Sweet Deal Curbin Cuisine

Sweet Deal Curbin Cuisine

Curbin Cuisine is this week’s Sweet Deal! Get $50 in gift certificates for just 25 bucks! MORE