To Catch A Cheater: Does His Wife Fit The Profile Of A CHEATER?!
He read an article about women who cheat and it rang familiar! Does his wife fall into this category? We’re going to help him confirm! #ToCatchACheater … MORE
He read an article about women who cheat and it rang familiar! Does his wife fall into this category? We’re going to help him confirm! #ToCatchACheater … MORE
Check out this week’s Sweet Deal for Cabaret!… MORE
Jeff Stein host of the daily Iowa Almanac & Iowa Business Report podcasts. It’s election time. You want your voice heard don’t you?… MORE
Every industry has a dark side…today Kristin is exposing the dark side of school CAFETERIAS! What’s really in those sloppy joes?!… MORE
The Continental is this week’s Sweet Deal! Get more details here!… MORE
Nick Jarmusz with AAA Iowa/Nebraska talks back to school and new drivers on the road. Be proactive with young driver education and safety.… MORE
Check out this Sweet Deal for Monsterama Arcade! … MORE
She took a fight with her sister to Facebook…should she delete it like her husband wants her to?… MORE
Check out this week’s Sweet Deal for the Iowa Beef Steakhouse!… MORE
Check out this week’s Sweet Deal for Jethro’s BBQ!… MORE