Category Archives: Homepage

Scott Walker promises more energy, time in Iowa

Scott Walker promises more energy, time in Iowa

After leading in Iowa throughout the spring and early summer, Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker has slipped toward the bottom half of the pack of contenders in the latest major polls. So not only is one of his Super PACs pouring millions into TV ads in the caucus state, but the Wisconsin governor himself is…MORE

Heidi Cruz talks government shutdown with Polk County GOP Women

Heidi Cruz talks government shutdown with Polk County GOP Women

As the possibility of a government shutdown over defunding Planned Parenthood looms this week, Polk County GOP Women took their concerns about the issue to a meeting with Heidi Cruz, the wife of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz. The group of 15 or so women met with Cruz on Monday morning as part of a…MORE

Torch Morning News you can use 9-21:

Torch Morning News you can use 9-21:

A Sioux County state senator will submit a bill in the legislature to block the Des Moines Water Works’ pollution suit against three upriver counties. Randy Feestra previously proposed a boycott of Des Moines businesses as a way of fighting the suit. Governor Branstad will head to Seattle this week to meet with the president…MORE

Lindsey Graham emphasizes national security, bipartisanship while touring metro

Lindsey Graham emphasizes national security, bipartisanship while touring metro

Though he continues to poll in the bottom half of the group of Republicans running for president, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham continues to drill his message of a candidate who is strong on foreign policy and willing to work across the aisle to get things done in Washington. Graham toured the metro Friday afternoon…MORE

Torch Morning News you can use 9-18:

Torch Morning News you can use 9-18:

The price of gas continues to dip in Iowa.  GasBuddy says prices are down more than 9 cents per gallon from a week ago, and more than 37 cents from this time last month. Prices in greater Des Moines are hovering around 2-27 per gallon. Analysts say that while crude oil prices have been picking…MORE

Online registration closer to reality

Online registration closer to reality

You’ll be able to register to vote online, starting the first of the year.  Iowa’s secretary of state says if you have a valid Iowa driver’s license or photo ID, you can visit a state website and input the numbers from your ID to register, and it will go to a state database.  You’ll still…MORE

Polk County GOP Women vamp up membership

Polk County GOP Women vamp up membership

Polk County Republican Women are getting active in the Iowa caucus, and their enthusiasm and organization is receiving national attention. Last weekend, the group from central Iowa was awarded the largest jump in participation for a group of its kind from the National Federation of Republican Women. The local band of women saw its membership…MORE

Torch Morning News you can use 9-17:

Torch Morning News you can use 9-17:

Governor Branstad wants to know what the president plans to do with the 10-thousand Syrian refugees he plans to allow into the U-S.  The governor is concerned about the administration being as secretive as it was with unaccompanied alien children from Latin America, some of whom were settled in Iowa. Governor Branstad wants to continue…MORE

Branstad “won’t promise” same school choice funding amount in next session

Branstad “won’t promise” same school choice funding amount in next session

Though Governor Branstad is a firm advocate for school choice in Iowa, he stopped short of making any promises for its state funding in the next legislative session while speaking with administrators, teachers, and parents at the Iowa School Choice Summit on Wednesday. Branstad noted the bird flu epidemic’s economic toll on Iowa this spring…MORE

Torch Morning News you can use 9-16:

Torch Morning News you can use 9-16:

USDA is looking into handling carcasses of any future bird flu victims, including prearranged disposal sites. Dale Wiehoff of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy says Iowa could be in for another bout of the virus this fall.  The state utilities board wants to know why Dakota Access can’t slightly change its route to…MORE