Category Archives: Politics

DM 15-year game plan mapped out

DM 15-year game plan mapped out

The Des Moines City Council is taking the time to map out what the city could look like in the next 15 years. Among the items discussed in yesterday’s planning meetings was incentives that give residents more pride in their city. Councilman Chris Coleman says residents should have a special discount to city events.MORE

Crops perking up

Crops perking up

Warmer – and drier – weather last week helped out the state’s crop production.  USDA says 82 percent of the corn crop and 78 percent of the soybean crop appear to be in good to excellent condition. Some of the crop had been lost due to previous heavy rains.MORE

Dems push for special session

Dems push for special session

Iowa Democrats are calling for a special legislative session to override Governor Branstad’s last-minute vetoes of one-time education funding and funding for mental health institutes. Party members in both houses say they’ll join in the effort. Two-thirds of each chamber would have to sign a petition to convene a special session.MORE