She thinks she’s living with ghosts in her house! We sent our Pro Ghost Hunters @GhostsofGeorgia to check it out and capture some real creepy evidence…… MORE

She thinks she’s living with ghosts in her house! We sent our Pro Ghost Hunters @GhostsofGeorgia to check it out and capture some real creepy evidence…… MORE
Check out this week’s Sweet Deal for Paws & Pints!… MORE
Her friend had already started planning her wedding, but isn’t even engaged!! She wanted to have an intervention over the weekend before her friend started putting down deposits. How did she take it?… MORE
You know we have raccoons and foxes in Iowa. We even river otters and the occasional bob cats and even cougars. But don’t forget the importance of why we have apes.… MORE
These dogs are math experts!!!! … MORE
Do fat women or short men face more stigma in society? What do you think? 🤔… MORE
Check out this week’s Sweet Deal!… MORE
Vibrant Music Hall, greater Des Moines’ newest and most highly anticipated venue, is hosting a Community Party as it prepares to open its doors —a fun evening filled with live entertainment by talented local artists. … MORE
She & her hubs are in a tough spot financially – should she sell her engagement ring to help them get through it? He doesn’t want her to…but should she anyway?… MORE
Come to the front lot of the Urbandale Police Department on Thursday, October 26th for decorated trunks and candy, then move to the trail to visit Officers for more candy, then end at the Urbandale Public Library for a dance party.… MORE