Category Archives: Torch News

Torch Morning News you can use 8-12:

Torch Morning News you can use 8-12:

A Boone County farmer has been ordered by a county judge to let a survey crew from Dakota Access Pipeline onto his property.  The survey is for the Bakken oil pipeline, should it be approved by the state utilities board.  The pipeline would cut across the state, and Laverne Johnson has made it clear, he…MORE

Jindal bashes Democratic candidates, defends gun position in Urbandale

Jindal bashes Democratic candidates, defends gun position in Urbandale

Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal is not a fan of Democrat Hillary Clinton or any other candidate from across the aisle running for president. Jindal spoke to a full room at the Machine Shed in Urbandale on Wednesday morning, and began his talk with “breaking news” about Clinton. “I’m going to start with some news…MORE

Too much homework for young grades

Too much homework for young grades

Most Des Moines area schools will be starting in less than two weeks…and a new study suggests their teachers ease up on the homework when they return to class.  The American Journal of Family Therapy says students in early elementary school are getting sometimes nearly three times as much homework as recommended by education leaders.MORE

Gray’s Landing gets a boost

Gray’s Landing gets a boost

Sherman Associates will pay the difference if an 8-and-a-half million dollar federal loan for the city doesn’t cover all of the development costs for the Gray’s Landing urban neighborhood.  The city, in turn, will let the developer collect all of the proceeds from land sales in the area. Sherman will eventually be repaid by the…MORE

Torch Afternoon News 8-11: Candidates add stops around state fair appearances, Wind energy jobs to be in thousands, Egg industry recovering

Torch Afternoon News 8-11: Candidates add stops around state fair appearances, Wind energy jobs to be in thousands, Egg industry recovering

More than 20 presidential candidates from both sides of the ticket are rolling in to the metro starting tomorrow to pay visits to the state fair. Mike Huckabee and Jim Webb will be in town tomorrow with several events surrounding appearances at the fair. Republican Bobby Jindal will also be in Urbandale tomorrow morning to…MORE

Torch Morning News you can use 8-11:

Torch Morning News you can use 8-11:

The percentage of Iowans without health insurance has dipped to five percent in the first half of the year, according to the latest Gallup poll.  That’s almost half of what it was two years ago.  Only four states have lower rates. More good news for Iowa workers…you could be in for a pay raise, according…MORE

Perry, Jindal tag team northern Iowa over the weekend

Perry, Jindal tag team northern Iowa over the weekend

Two southern Republican presidential candidates worked crowds in northern Iowa over the weekend, appearing in the caucus state just two days after speaking on the national debate stage last week. Bobby Jindal and Rick Perry talked to voters in Iowa Falls and Waterloo about their positions on foreign policy, Planned Parenthood, Common Core, and moving…MORE

Torch Morning News you can use 8-10:

Torch Morning News you can use 8-10:

Iowa’s farm industry is getting nervous about commodity prices remaining low this year…and farm lenders and ag economists say the outlook for agriculture could be more grim next year. Prices for corn have dropped 60 percent since 2012, but farmers are still paying rents that are 50 percent higher than seven years ago. A slight…MORE

15 state beaches impacted by toxins

15 state beaches impacted by toxins

Blue-green algae is putting a damper on playing on Iowa beaches.  15 state park beaches have posted warnings due to high levels of fecal bacteria or toxins from algae. DNR recommends against swimming at those beaches.MORE

Farmers could leave farms

Farmers could leave farms

Ag experts say low crop prices may prompt Iowa producers to square off with farmland owners over their rent this month. The head of Peoples Company farmland management and investment in Clive says he expects to see farmers terminating leases with landlords by August 31st, since rents remain about 50 percent higher than seven years…MORE