Category Archives: Uncategorized

Peyton Manning chat

Peyton Manning chat

Rachel Nichols talks to Peyton Manning about his health, his future and his relationship with Tom Brady.MORE

Miracle Challenge

We are on a mission to get fit and help kids. are you in? Starting Sept. 1, we are embarking on the Miracle Challenge to not only exercise every day for 27 days, but also to help kids at Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. This important fundraiser will not only help you get fit, but also…MORE

What is ‘too much’ caffeine?

Carl Azuz reports on why consuming too much caffeine is not good for you. It’s not just the internet that runs on Java.MORE

Ronda Rousey accepts date from Marine

Ronda Rousey accepts date from Marine

Days after a Marine asked Ronda Rousey to the Marine Corps Ball at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, he scored big-time when the mixed martial arts fighter accepted his proposal.MORE


  Tune in for financial updates and Social Security tips! We provide a comprehensive Client Retirement Roadmap that helps our clients crystallize their financial objectives and establishes key action steps that help plan a successful retirement. Click her to visit their website for more info.MORE