Category Archives: Uncategorized

Walker skirts abortion issue, not worried about lost Iowa lead

Walker skirts abortion issue, not worried about lost Iowa lead

For months, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has lead the polls in Iowa, but just in the past few weeks, his commanding lead among Iowans has suffered to the pomp and circumstance of real-estate mogul Donald Trump. Walker finished up his two-day swing in the caucus state with a meet and greet in Guthrie Center on…MORE

Over the Edge

The fear of heights is one of the most common phobias in the world… but why let that stop you?  Over the Edge is a unique opportunity for individuals and organizations to raise money and support SOIA athletes by rappelling off the 345-ft Financial Center in downtown Des Moines! Click here to donate and send…MORE

Clinton outlines detailed rural economic plan at DMACC

Clinton outlines detailed rural economic plan at DMACC

With USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack by her side, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton outlined her rural economic development plan at the Des Moines Area Community College-Ankeny campus on Wednesday. Less than 24 hours earlier, Vilsack announced his endorsement of Clinton. “She is loyal,” said Vilsack. “It’s a very personal decision, and it’s one that I didn’t…MORE

Elaborate doggy desserts

Elaborate doggy desserts

Pet owners have found new innovative ways to celebrate their pups! The latest being dog parties and celebrations that include elaborate cakes.MORE