Category Archives: Uncategorized

Saving pups from ‘Dead Dog Beach’

Saving pups from ‘Dead Dog Beach’

The Sato Project rescues, rehabilitates and finds new homes for dogs that are abandoned at a beach in Puerto Rico known as “Dead Dog Beach.”MORE

O’Malley campaign organizing 30 house parties for 30th Iowa county visited

O’Malley campaign organizing 30 house parties for 30th Iowa county visited

To commemorate his 30th Iowa county visited last weekend, the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley is organizing 30 house parties across Iowa Wednesday night. Though the former Maryland governor will not be physically in the state, he will call in to the parties and speak with caucus goers and supporters. Campaign volunteers Brendan…MORE

Jet fires 3,300 rounds a minute

Jet fires 3,300 rounds a minute

The U.S. military is ground-testing the F-35 fighter jet’s Gatling gun, another step before the $1 trillion fighter jet project can be fully operational.MORE